Get your flu shot today!

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News & Announcements

Don't be sick... Get the flu shot quick!

Flu Shots Now Available

The flu vaccine is available in the Allergy, Immunization & Travel Clinic. Getting your flu vaccine early in the fall is the best way to be protected throughout the entire flu season. Schedule your flu shot by calling 479-575-7723.

Patient Parking Unavaiable During Expansion Construction

Patient Parking Unavailable During Expansion Construction

Due to construction of our new expansion, the Pat Walker Health Center will no longer have patient parking available. Metered Parking is available in the Garland Garage or along Maple Avenue. Avoid paying meter fees by parking in your designated UA permit lot or by riding Razorback Transit (Tan, Yellow and Orange bus routes all stop at the health center).

Mumps Cases Confirmed Involving U of A Students

Mumps Cases Confirmed Involving U of A Students

The Arkansas Department of Health has confirmed three cases of mumps involving University of Arkansas students. The Pat Walker Health Center urges the campus community to take appropriate measures to protect themselves.